Why is this place so fucking dead?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Forums everywhere are slowly dying. The ones that have the most activity usually center around some particular show or movie franchise that's popular. Then when the show is over, or the movie fan base moves on, they die out too. IT'S VERY FUCKING SAD, I barely got in on the whole forum thing. I don't know what the appeal of Facebook is, and Twitter is good for following celebrities and news feeds. I wonder what the next big thing will be.


1 Year was too much. We started a board to make fun of Trek-BBS and somehow started to take ourselves seriously. The board should have died as an EZ board.

However, we did get the MF out of it. Which will die when we die, since it hasn't had any new blood in 10 years either, but it's still a unique piece of art.


I want to smell dark matter
I guess TrekBBS doesn't have asshole mods and admins anymore? Or if they do still ban people unfairly, they don't know to register here. Does anyone from outside have any real way of knowing this board exists?

The new users usually think they have to "troll" because the site has the word "troll" in its name and quickly get bored when we don't react.

The MF is still doing okay but posting seems to be dropping a bit. I'M STILL HERE (until I die tomorrow.)


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Posting is seasonal. As we get closer to summer it usually starts slowing down a little -- some (not all) of us get out more and do things, or take trips, or go skinny dipping late at night down at Brundly Pond and have unprotected sex.

Or something.


Can I have Ops?
I was new, but again I came through the HEY LETS TROLL THEM IT WILL BE REALLY FUNNY route.

This is why it's name should be changed to celebrity soup and we should all be made to dress in manga costumes.


Boobie inspector
My sugestion if we are to do one of these again is WTF moments, for when a show genuienly surprised you.


^ You know, that's actually not bad. Ironic - it could spawn it's own thread "WTF moments for when Rich really surprised you."


Touching the monolith
Staff member
We could invite you to an IRC channel ALSO. irc.irchighway.net #trollkingdom MOFO :rwmad:


We could invite you to an IRC channel ALSO. irc.irchighway.net #trollkingdom MOFO :rwmad:

Between 3:15pm and 6pm PST daily, standard disclaimers apply, not valid in all states, user accepts all responsibility and liability for damages caused by incoherent replies, bad or dangerous advice, or addiction.


A more or less static membership base over the last 10 years isn't going to help. Many of us go back to at least the 7-10 year mark now.

BBS posting is also dying away. So many people have turned to Facebook & Twitter.


Staff member
TK is a bit of a monument nowadays. The last real surge of sustained activity were the admin wars a few years back when Hambil and Cait turned in to a despotic oligarchy! (FUCKING TIME PASSES SO QUICK)

There really isn't much appeal for new users and the micro-communities on TK are almost entirely autonomous and contained. Conchaga pushed for posting to be spread out amongst the board and for topics to be put in their "correct" forums last time he was here (where the fuck is he anyway?) and it was met with quite a lot of resistance from everybody, me included, but the idea was actually the only thing that would give the board some sort of structure and logic to new arrivals. Can't happen now though as to achieve it would mean gutting the micro-communities like the Badlands and MF and nobody would pay a blind bit of notice anyway and the gain wouldn't be worth losing what we already have.

We could change the name or split the board off but it all sounds rather pointless and would in the long run probably be even more detrimental and would fail miserably.

I don't really have many ideas on how to revitalize TK and I have not heard anybody else coming up with any good ideas either for a long time.

It's also very true that the BBS heyday in general is behind us.

This board was built and evolved on the conflict surrounding a small solar system of BBS's and then embroiled mostly in its own internal conflicts. There really isn't any conflict here or perceived justices to champion so things have quietened down considerably. The "point" of TK was really on a very basic level free speech and a place without excessive moderation. We've achieved it. I achieved it so well I OWN the place now. Nothing left to fight for.


I want to smell dark matter
I don't really want anyone new to post because I couldn't possibly explain why the Wacky Hot One Hundred exists to them.

We could change the name to BIEBER KINGDOM or something. BIEBER CONDOM.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts