Colonel Kira's Left Tit
Bearded Belly of Bajor
This is what dogsitting looks like at my house.

Look at the big eyes, aww.This is what dogsitting looks like at my house.
It's also like Voyager because we got sucked into a hellscape about 10 minutes into our first mission (9/11), and we've spent every moment since trying to adjust to the new normal as it gets more and more bizarre.The 21st century is like "Star Trek: Voyager"--it started out promising; you went "this looks interesting." Then the years went by and one day you went "you know, this really sucks." And you think back and realize it has sucked for a long time and think back farther to try to pinpoint just where it went wrong--and you really can't. You realize it has pretty much sucked the whole time.
People wonder why I simply don't want to get out of bed some days...