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Doctor Who fans to lose their shit again (season 14)

Had to watch most of this on my own, the opening space train sequence give my wife a migraine.

Loved all the old doctors, including the fake 1st doctor, hope they will do the same for 2 and 3 at some point, especially 3, Alfred is right there!
It's weird that no matter what happens in a Chibnall episode it just all feels the same to be. Not terrible (usually) but just pretty flat. I have no idea what the plot of this episode was: something to do with the Death Star shooting volcanoes? When The Master stole the Doctor's regeneration or whatever I thought that could have been interesting as we might see the Master try to be the Doctor or something (and maybe he had part of the Doctor's personality now?) and Sacha Dewan played it well in the first scene...but it didn't really come to anything. He was just The Master in the Doctor's clothes for twenty minutes. What was with the little girl at the start? I thought it was the TIMELESS CHILD or something but then they said she was just an illusion (why was she in a box then?) It's amazing that Chibnall spent as long in his tenure on all this LORE that's going to be completely ignored from now on.

All the cameos were certainly the highlight and it's impressive that they kept the Baker, Davison, McCoy and McGann appearances secret. I haven't watched much of the old stuff so the companions didn't mean as much to me - and I won't comment on their acting because maybe some of them haven't acted for a long time - but I did notice they didn't even let Bonnie Langford speak.

I totally forgot the guy on the X-Wing who landed on the Death Star was a thing. Didn't he have a pregnant girlfriend he was looking for? Or was she actually his mother from the future pregnant with him or something? Anyway, we'll never see him again!

It was funny how quickly they just dumped Dan because they had nothing for him. The scene with John Bishop and Bradley Walsh together made me appreciate that Walsh is actually a decent actor whereas John Bishop is just...John Bishop.

Wasn't it really heavily hinted in the previous episode that Yaz and the Doctor were in love? That seemed downloaded here.

PREDICTION: The last line of tonight's episode is "What? WHAT?"

To be fair this was easy to predict (and I was one "what?" out.)
I mean it was basically 5 different season finales all awkwardly smashed together, along with what looked like Chibnall's pitch for what he would have done with the 60th anniversary, and it kind of worked? Kind of?

It didn't really make a lot of sense (why didn't the energy creature just escape earlier if it just had to redirect it's energy??) but yeah it was nice to see the old Doctors and companions and that they managed to get the old Doctors and companions in scenes together in a way that mostly worked.

At least they finally let William Russell come back as Ian WHILE THERE'S STILL TIME he's 97 for Christ's sake.

lol @ Ryan not even turning up
lol @ The Timeless Child not even being mentioned
lol @ All the queerbating coming to exactly nothing
lol @ Ryan not even turning up
lol @ The Timecless Child not even being mentioned
lol @ All the queerbating coming to exactly nothing
To me, all those things translate to, "Yeah, we let this goofy fuck torpedo this thing straight down the shitter. Time to see if it's even possible at this point to wipe the shit off it, disinfect it, and try to lure some of the fans into coming back."
I thought you could only see the hologram if you had one of the shoulder implants, also the hologram was glitchy as hell constantly until it needed not to be.
I had just started to read the RadioTimes review when I saw an thumbnail captioned "Lionel Blair dead at 92" (!)

I promptly googled 'Lionel Blair', only to see he died LAST YEAR. What the hell.

Anyway Doctor Who, yes that was ... something. No idea what was going on. Why were Daleks/Cybermen determined to use Earth as a conversion planet ... out of trillions of available planets? Why would the Daleks help The Master take The Doctor's body? Surely their MO would be instant betrayal after the deed was done. What was The Master's actual plan? I could keep going but I won't - I've had bowel movements after a super-spicy ramen that were tidier than whatever the hell that was. As Wacky said, it was pretty glaring some of those women hadn't acted in a while. I didn't watch much of the original Who so wasn't particularly moved by the fanwank.
"Tag you're it" wasn't the worst line they could have thought of IMO. At least it's something nobody had said before.

I won't analyze the details of the episode since I'm not educated enough as a fan to spot it all. But the overall thought I was left with at the end was, the franchise is now being run by the fanbase. Maybe RTD will take control of it once again, but for now, we're being pacified and cuddled with Tennant to get over our Chibnall/Lady Parts Doctor trauma.

Dangerous times...
The Tennant thing is blatantly an attempt to bring old viewers back in the hope they'll stick around for Ncuti, but maybe that's not a bad thing? If it actually works anyway.

Wasn't it really heavily hinted in the previous episode that Yaz and the Doctor were in love? That seemed downloaded here.

Sometimes I read my posts back and I don't know what the fuck I meant to type. "That seemed DONWLOADED here"!? Downgraded, maybe? But it was more like completely ignored. What the fuck is my brain.
I was expecting Yazz to be there for the regeneration, then not like it that he was a man now, and leave, but I guess they were under orders to draw a line at the end of the Chibnal era and start fresh in the 2nd RTD era.
I was trying to remember what happened to the other (living) companions who weren't at the support group meeting and it's wild that Clara and Bill both has had basically the same ending of turning into not-quite-human entities and going off to space with girls.
I was expecting Yazz to be there for the regeneration, then not like it that he was a man now, and leave, but I guess they were under orders to draw a line at the end of the Chibnal era and start fresh in the 2nd RTD era.
"Right! That'll be enough of that shit!" lol
I was thinking at first he must be super young to play the Doctor since he's a teenager in Sex Edudcation but turns out that's another show with 30 year olds playing high schoolers (he's older than Peter Davison and Matt Smith were when they started.)