♥ Charles / C-40 and Our First Thanksgiving Together -- Photos ♥


Active Member
I remember my mate getting a Genesis before anyone else and watching him play Robocop. The rest of us were so jealous. It looked so advanced compared to my old Master System games. :D

The Sonic series was probably our favorite on Genesis. There was also a space game called Starflight I loved. There was a pretty decent X-Men game too IIRC.

But nothing compared to the original PlayStation in terms of a generational leap. Going from Sonic to the futuristic 3D racer Wipeout. Woah. Of course, as amazing as it looked at the time, you look at it now and it looks positively primitive compared with modern-day titles.


Pinata Whacker

Original Crash Bandicoot was awesome. My OG gaming experience / obsession was Alex the Kidd in Miracle World on the Sega Master System. What's awesome is nowadays you can play them directly online via emulators. It's a hoot to see the file size of those games. I have jpegs that are bigger.
My OG gaming experience was Dig Dug and Moon Patrol on the Atari 2600. I'm old as fuck.


Pinata Whacker
I remember my mate getting a Genesis before anyone else and watching him play Robocop. The rest of us were so jealous. It looked so advanced compared to my old Master System games. :D

The Sonic series was probably our favorite on Genesis. There was also a space game called Starflight I loved. There was a pretty decent X-Men game too IIRC.

But nothing compared to the original PlayStation in terms of a generational leap. Going from Sonic to the futuristic 3D racer Wipeout. Woah. Of course, as amazing as it looked at the time, you look at it now and it looks positively primitive compared with modern-day titles.
I played the X-men arcade game in college. Put $5 in quarters (my laundry money)in the machine and still didn't beat it.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I think I've owned every system that ever came out at one time or another. I currently have a ps3 and a nintendo switch. The Switch lets me play the entire nintendo and sega library...Nintento, super nintendo, the gamecube, the DS, all the gameboy games, the wii and the nintendo 64 in addition to all the genesis games. Its a great deal for 50 bucks a year. Plus I have a few of their cartridge games. All the Oddworlds (which I love) Pimkin 3 and 4 and a couple of other titles. Switch is the best system I've ever owned.