Wish me luck!!


Okay, so a little over a month ago I bought a Magnavox 37 in 1080p HD TV, and have been very happy with it. I paid a thousand dollars at Sam's Club.

So I'm gearing up for Black Friday, and I see THIS:


So I return the Magnavox to Sam's Club (sans original box and still assembled. SC is pretty liberal with their refund policy), received a cash refund, deposited the money in my bank, and am gearing up to spend half the night outside of Walmart for that little number.

As I said....wish me luck! :D


Forever Empress E
Good Luck!



I got there at 1AM. Luckily, my Walmart is open 24 hours, so I didn't have to wait in the cold.

There was one person ahead of me. We waited, and chatted amicably for 2 hours. He was actually a very intelligent man. Then the manager told us what they were going to do was set up the TVs "somewhere in the store" and unveil them at 5AM. We, and all the other customers, were supposed to run, like little lab rats in a maze, to try and find our items. No shit.

They had 4 of these TVs stocked, so we would have had to run like hell. God must have been smiling on us, because at 4:45, after an hour and a half of pacing, wondering if our wait was for naught, the manager told us he was putting the TVs aside for the first three people who asked about them. I was the second! Yay me!!!

I love it when a plan comes together. :techman:

Wait, you say. I said there were 4 TVs in stock, and three of us received one. You must be asking what happened to the fourth. Even if ya weren't askin', I'm gonna tell ya anyway...

Well, it so happened that the manager put the last one on the floor. He then clocked out for "lunch", changed his clothes, and went to buy it.



New Member
Friday said:
He then clocked out for "lunch", changed his clothes, and went to buy it.
That was actually a very cleaver idea of that man. Well good for him. And probably bad for the other people who've waited.

Congrats on your victory. Time to kick back and have at it. Watching TV has just been revolutionized.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
That stuff is fun. I did that last year when PS3 came out, and made about 1700 bucks on ebay instantly for a nights wait :D


Lesson: NEVER EVER EVER buy a television without previewing the picture first.

The TV SUCKS MAJOR ASS. The picture has a halo effect around people, is grainy, it doesn't pick up digital or over-the-air HD channels like my Magnavox did, and last, but certainly not least...it makes videos on my Oppo look like a piece of crap.

Returning it today. I am NOT a happy camper. :rwmad: