This is for all you self absorbed blacks


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
One of the quips in Fox News in response to an article about whatshisname in florida that got shot.

This is for all you dumb self absorbed blacks. That are so ignorant of reality is almost like watching the old 70's Gong Show. Except your getting shot instead of someone hitting the gong to get you off the stage.
It never fails that when any of you afro jammies get killed or haul into court for tax evasion. The first thing out of your gold filled mouths is. Its all because of da whitteys dat wheezs in dis mess. Im sick and tired of you blacks lacking the back bone to stand up to your festering and violent filled BLEEP mentalities and the dumping of your kids into my pocket for my tax dollars. So I have to support your dead beat black society. That thinks whittey still owes you something. You blacks constantly have to be reminded that it was the blacks of Africa that rounded you all up in the slave raids and marched you to the various coastal cities to be sold in the slave markets. Who by the way were mostly of the Islamic religion, you know a muslim. So put that in your crack pipes and toke on that awhile.
You all are hypocrits and mindless pawns for egotistical glory hounds like your Sharpton and Jackson. Who by the way has his own line of brats from affairs with your women. Who it seems can never keep their legs closed or understands what birth control pills or condoms are for.
Oh by the way have a happy and Merry Christmas not that made up holiday you people invented to once again seperate your selfs away from any thing that resembles association with whites.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Who got nailed in Florida? I hear that piece of shit Rodney King got capped in California again.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Taylor? That asshole football player for the redskins


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
especially upside down :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Listen, if I had a tenth of the opportunity that asshat squandered...

Ir's almost like, hey I just got famous after being poor my whole life, I KNOW!! I'll invest my money in a dogfighting operation!!


New Member
Damn whittey's trying to make us feel bad.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Elrod said:
I know... nice asshole you got there, friend.

You might want to knock it off with the racist hating "friend"


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Elrod said:
I know... nice friends you got there, asshole.

Shut up, cupcakeer.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Elrod wouldn't know a friend if it was fucking him in the face.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Elrod said:
He knows which bait is best for fishing, though.

Uh huh. :bigass: