Stem Cells


So, in india they are making pple walk again by injecting embryonic stem cells into the spinal injury site, then using mental exercises to re-establish neural pathways. (which is kewl enuf simply for teh brain)

The interesting but obvious thing is, that these pple, redevelop nerves just like a fetus, from the bone toward the skin...

So gurls, would u sell ur eggs to be farmed for stem cells? or give ur aborted fetus to such endeavor's?

egg extraction can be very unsafe
however, aborted fetuses should be used help people
of course
as a matter of fact
i think that abortions should be free
and the cost could be in part paid for by the fetuses!
whatcha think?

yeah, i am a man, so i know no one asked me...


what if u wanted to bury ur abortion in a match box?
Or as i have unfortunately seen, preserve it and put it in a pic frame?
Fuck that. Its illegal. Women shouldn't have a choice. Its murder. Plain and simple.
war should be illegal, but its not
i figure i killed a couple of hundred iraqis at least
so if a lady wants to abort a fetus who am i to tell her, or anyone else for that matter, not to?
besides, all illegal abortions do is get poor women killed
and rich bitches still can get them(you know the ones with no real excuse for having one)
but they do
so fuck the law & fuck the rich!

ps: are we having fun yet? :devious:


Heh, don't brow beat me Loktar!

As i said, my solution is to tell those who seek such technology to meditate or pray themselves to wholeness! lol


Pinata Whacker
Heh, don't brow beat me Loktar!

As i said, my solution is to tell those who seek such technology to meditate or pray themselves to wholeness! lol

Sorry. I still wubs ya.

WTF is controversial topic like abortion and stem cells doing in the Badlands anyway? Me thinks it should be in Armchair Philosophers or something.


And thats last I'm going to say on the subject.


Aktuallllllllly, i take a wikkkkked concoction of herbs and minerals that assist neural pathways to be redeveloped, in a completely natural way, along with mental exercises pretty much identical with those used in the indian clinic...and its working.

I think the crazee scientists just like playing with the beginnings of life.


Hell, why not turn this thread into an abortion debate, along with the ethics of embryonic stem cells, they overlap ;)
While we are at it, lets incorporate growing organs from fertilized eggz, thats pretty twisted!
Hell, why not turn this thread into an abortion debate, along with the ethics of embryonic stem cells, they overlap ;)
While we are at it, lets incorporate growing organs from fertilized eggz, thats pretty twisted!
ok, lets pretend for a moment that men & women were exactly as they are now
except men carried the fetus to term and 'had babies'
guess what?
this would not even be an issue up for discussion
thats why i am for women's right to abort fetuses
because i am absolutely certain that men would not let * anybody else take away
'our right to choose'
its as simple as that for me
do i think i would have an abortion?
but its purely hypothetical
since i do not get pregnant
end of story...

*=let is not really the right word, since taking a woman's right to choose is really about oppressing women
in a very active and coercive manner, particular poor ones most, of course


WOW some feminist really got her claws into u ;)
thinking back now
i turned my exWife into a feminist
little did i know that an important part of that for her would be leaving me! :ramen:
but hey once you have invested as much in women's rights as i have
i feel like i gotta just stick with it now :hang:

ps: of course i am not 'a real feminist' i am told
i am far too much of an aggressive sexual beast for that i am told...


Tho don't u think tis a lil 'disempowering' to teh feminists for u to defend their rights?
I think u have been played, u poor poor man :(

Well i agree with loktar, with the exception being abuse/incest and the likes.

2many women abuse this *choice* rather than just being damn responsible for their own tho contraception is some kind of national sekret.

Stem cell research is interesting, but playing with embryo's is freakishly unethical, as opposed to umbilical cellz.



How coincidental!

Aussies joining new stem cell research

June 10, 2008 - 3:31PM

Australian scientists have joined growing international efforts to develop ethically-acceptable stem cell technologies to revolutionise the treatment of many diseases.

Researchers at the Australian Stem Cell Centre (ASCC) in Melbourne have begun to cultivate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), a more ethical alternative to controversial embryonic stem cell research.

Unlike embryonic stem cells which are created from human embryos that are later destroyed, iPS cells are created from skin cells or adult cells and can be reprogrammed by using viruses to insert four genes into the cell to make it pluripotent, or capable of turning into different cell types.

Dr Andrew Laslett, of the ASCC, said the technology had the potential to produce human tissue to treat patients with specific diseases or injuries.

"What's different about these cells from the human embryonic stem cell is that they are created not from embryos but from skin cells or adult cells from the human body," Dr Laslett said.

"What you then have the capacity to do with this type of cell or this technology is to make both patient-specific and disease-specific stem cell lines.

"Probably, in the longer term, a patient-specific stem cell line means you can get a skin cell from a patient with a specific disease, add the four genes and turn it into pluripotent cell to then potentially be able to grow that cell up to the specific cell type required to treat a disease or injury."

While the new technology was announced last November by US and Japanese experts, the Australian research team took delivery of a batch of iPS cells last month and have begun to grow their own colonies for further research.

So far, the Melbourne colonies were thriving, but there were still many hurdles to overcome with the new technology in terms of safety and efficacy, with early iPS cell tests showing the development of cancer in animals, Dr Laslett said.

He added that new advances would not have been possible without the original breakthrough provided by the advent of embryonic stem cell research 10 years ago.

"Without embryonic stem cell research, we would never have discovered iPS cells. The genes used to create iPS cells were recognised because they were important in embryonic stem cells," he said.

"It's changing the face of the way we do research at the moment with a large potential to change the way clinical medicine is carried out in the future."

Currently, seven other groups - in the US, Scotland, Germany, Japan and China - are involved in developing iPS cell research.
