Star Trek 14 news/countdown thread

Colonel Kira's Left Tit

Bearded Belly of Bajor

The Question

Jesus, Paramount, it's just tatters of sinew hanging from desiccated bones, at this point. Bury the fucking thing already and go clean the baseball bats you used on it. I mean, I used to love Star Trek when it was intellectually stimulating escapism. Now it's been turned into an Island Of Doctor Moreau specimen, a miserable fusion of a soapbox and a pulpit. I can't decide whether I was more disgusted by the lens-fare-slathered shakycam-muddled dudebro Trek or the weepy-ass SJWTrek. Either way, just end its suffering, already.


Is this real life?
Odd how they’re pumping out entirely new tv shows by the bucketload but can’t organise one movie with an existing setting, characters and actors who were under contract (no idea if that’s still the case by now).


Boobie inspector
I think the damage has been done, the last movie wasn't bad at all, but so many people were put off by out of darkness, hardly anyone went to see it.


I want to smell dark matter

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
New Trek is fucked. Erase the alternate timeline and start cranking out TNG-canon shows/movies.


I want to smell dark matter

Colonel Kira's Left Tit

Bearded Belly of Bajor
It never ends.

It would be nice to imagine NIcholas Meyer swooping in and saving Star Trek movies again, but he was involved with Discovery and that didn't turn out good (from my point of view.)

Was he, though? I thought most of his ideas just got shitcanned when they had to retool after Bryan Fuller bailed, though he did retain a producer credit.


I want to smell dark matter
I have no idea to be honest.


Boobie inspector
Isn't Bryon fuller a horrible person? Or am I thinking of someone else.


I want to smell dark matter
Bryan Singer (of X-Men fame) is the one who was accused of multiple sexual abuse incidents.


Boobie inspector
Yeah he's such a douche I'm surprised he's not a member of the royal family.


Is this real life?
Nothing shows confidence in a franchise like waiting 7 years between movies. At this rate they can mimic the latter TOS films by having them all contemplating old age. Oh well, we’ll see what they come up with.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Or they can just start recycling TOS scripts, but in a "what would it be like in the other timeline" context...


Boobie inspector
I just wonder if they will use old Chekov and just not mention his appearance at all.