Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
WOOO-HOOO! Chuck comes back on Sunday 1/10, with a 2-hour episode. I can't remember the last time I was looking forward to a returning series this much, except maybe for the last season of Lost.

I hear the show is even more KICK-ASS this season. I sure hope it doesn't get's the only NBC show I still watch.


I love Chuck. I don't think it has a long future though, sorry to say it will be luck to see a 4th season, seeing as they have no patience with anything these days.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
^^I agree with you 100%. I knew 3 years ago that network television was fucked when they cancelled "Veronica Mars" because the Pussycat Dolls reality show got double the ratings.

Now, NBC fills 1/3 of its prime-time schedule with a cheap-to-produce talk show, and has nother 2 hours per week of fatties "amazingly" losing weight...when all they do all day is diet and exercise. Meh.

I can't completely blame the networks, as they're only providing shows that people apparently want to watch. However, when a show like "The Biggest Loser" gets 2.5 million viewers, that's better for NBC than Chuck getting 5 million viewers, since Chuck is way more expensive to produce.

Looks like we'll have to continue to turn to HBO, Showtime, FX, and even TNT for quality shows.


They've given Chuck super Kung-Fu powers. No idea how it will play out, because the character's charm is he's a bit of a Billy Bottler, but then again a third season of him bungling about whilst Sarah & Casey continually save him may be one step too far. They'll be walking a fine line with this one.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
They've given Chuck super Kung-Fu powers. No idea how it will play out, because the character's charm is he's a bit of a Billy Bottler, but then again a third season of him bungling about whilst Sarah & Casey continually save him may be one step too far. They'll be walking a fine line with this one.

I'm ok with the change precisely because of your reasoning, it would get a little tired having Chuck bumble his way through missions. I've heard that his "powers" will be a little inconsistent, so that seems cool.


I want to smell dark matter
They should axe the asian girl, she's hardly in any episodes yet she's in the opening credits. That would save a few dollars!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I think they do kill her off, as a "main" character is supposedly offed in the first episode. It's either her or Big Mike. I'm betting that the death occurs off-camera, since the show is pretty light in tone, and Morgan was last seen walking out of the Buy More with Anna in his arms.


I want to smell dark matter
I suppose they need a reason for him to come back. Or maybe "Awesome" dies because he knows Chuck's secret?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
NOOOOO! NOT AWESOME!! Apparently Brandon Routh guest-stars in at least one ep.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
And much better looking without all the goth/emo makeup:
