Say goodbye to the Democrat Party. They just ended themselves, in spectacularly gory fashion. They've just thrown away 2020, and since -- as long as Trump is in office -- they will only continue to have no platform other than "Orange Man Bad", they'll have nothing, again, in 2024. This guarantees at least 8 more years of Republican dominance in national government.
Now watch the replies to this. Watch how they're all, "RAW RAW RAW RAW RAW RAWWW!" instead of any introspection, any even hint of, "Y'know...? Maybe it's just not enough to denigrate the opposing majority of voters. Maybe we should try to figure out why they'd vote against what we say their interests ought to be. Maybe we don't know what their interests "ought to" be... maybe we should listen, just to see what happens.
Won't be any of that, thank God. They'll keep alienating voters by acting like dictators, and their broad influence will continue to shrivel, to wither, and die, until they're just fucking gone.
Now watch the replies to this. Watch how they're all, "RAW RAW RAW RAW RAW RAWWW!" instead of any introspection, any even hint of, "Y'know...? Maybe it's just not enough to denigrate the opposing majority of voters. Maybe we should try to figure out why they'd vote against what we say their interests ought to be. Maybe we don't know what their interests "ought to" be... maybe we should listen, just to see what happens.
Won't be any of that, thank God. They'll keep alienating voters by acting like dictators, and their broad influence will continue to shrivel, to wither, and die, until they're just fucking gone.