I always thought the effects in Lost were a bit pants


Is this real life?
But I didn't even notice this.


I knew the plane was CGI, but not all the vines and trees. The only thing that was real in the final shot was Locke's chrome dome. Talk about seamless.

Click the "video 2" link at the end for confirmation.


I want to smell dark matter
I suppose the best effects are the ones we don't notice.

The 316 plane crash in season 5 looked pretty bad though.


Is this real life?
Yeah, that was the kind of crumby effects I had in mind. Of course, Lost makes up for all this with its story. Heroes could take leaf out of their book.


Boobie inspector
Heroes writers room

Writer 1 "So we need a massive fight between Zylar, and the Petrellie brothers"
Writer 2 "But Zyler has like a million powers, and Nathan can just fly, and Peter can just take one power at a time, the fight shouldnt last half a second"
Writer 1 "We'll just close the doors and pretend cool shit is happening in there"
Writer 2 "I wish cool shit was happening in here"


I want to smell dark matter
Only Good Writer On The Show: I QUIT!