Got your copy?

Required reading for all Americans:




U mad 'bro?
Your Founding Fathers gave your mother a cum bath.

Thank them for that.


Un Banned
Folks, get ready f'some

So join me :behindsofa: when it erupts:techman:

Dark :pickle:, Ambassador :sarek: & :menty:list may show up:frown:

Have a :cookie::day:
"Founding Fathers" didn't "give" me shit.

...except the document that states very clearly your right to spout your drivel, same as I have the right to spout mine. :)

Enjoy your pseudo-religion.

Thanks to the First Amendment, I will... while you enjoy your freedom from the same. Ain't America grand?

Hellbilly Jim

White Trash
Belief that a magical document written hundreds of years ago is the source of all human truth and virtue = religion.

Jefferson had cupcakeer sex slaves. While admirable, that hardly qualifies him for sainthood.
Belief that a magical document written hundreds of years ago is the source of all human truth and virtue = religion.

Jefferson had cupcakeer sex slaves. While admirable, that hardly qualifies him for sainthood.

So you think it's admirable to ball a cupcakeer? That says a lot about you.

Boning a cupcakeer is on par with boning a monkey-- certainly nothing to brag about.

Hellbilly Jim

White Trash
Having sex slaves is pretty rad. The fact that they were cupcakeers, well....there's no accounting for taste.

But who are we to judge the WISDOM OF THE ALL-KNOWING FOUNDING FATHERS!!!!
*cue dramatic music*

Pretty sure a few of them were pedos too.

The Question

Does it make ya feel better to think so? Does it justify your antipathy toward 'em? They were some ballsy motherfuckers, and that's a fact. One of the few places the Brits had control over that stood up to the Crown and actually made it stick. You can fiddle while America burns, and I won't pretend not to enjoy the tune -- but let's not forget that it was pretty damned spectacular on its way up, either.

Hellbilly Jim

White Trash
I better run down to my local Tea Party and repent my sin of questioning the glorificus nature of our holy Founding Fathers. Then I'll give thanks to the most holy ones for my blessed worldly possessions and Rush Limbaugh, and sacrifice a Lipton tea-bag in their honor.
