Einstein Project


along for the ride
This is cool.

The Hebrew University in Jerusalem announced yesterday that they are digitizing more than 80,000 of Einsteins papers for release on-line. The documents to be made available electronically at a dedicated website include his lectures and notes on the theory of relativity, Zionism, and love letters to his second wife (while still married to the first).

Dr. Leonard Polonsky, a British philanthropist who helped finance the Einstein project, initiated a similar program at Cambridge University with the papers of Sir Isaac Newton. That website attracted 29 million hits during its first 24 hours online.

"...making the collection widely available online not only serves to introduce Einstein’s revolutionary science to a whole new audience, but will expose a new generation to a man “who more than anyone else in the first half of the 20th century expressed his views on every issue that was on the agenda of mankind.”




beer, I want beer
marking off blocks of time for my future...


along for the ride
marking off blocks of time for my future...

I know, right? A lot of these documents are not available hard-copy anywhere but the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the California Institute of Technology . So cool.

Looking at the number of hits that Newton's doc site got in its first 24 hours of launch, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some major advertiser/sponsor $$ at play here too.