Due to Circumstances Beyond my Control....


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
..I will not be allowed to post here for the second half of October. My presence once again has been summomed in that Great Nation of Germany, and I have been compelled to attend. The last time I was there was back in 2005, and now once again, I must return to spend time with my related european counterparts, to help them indulge in eating large quantities of schnitzel and bratwurst.

I will be gone from the 21st of Oct to the 3rd of Nov.
I trust that you will all behave yourselves during my absence :cool:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


If you're really going to Germany pick up a pair of whooty shorts and an issue of Show on the way to the airport. TCON's got a niece that's off the hook. She doesn't speak or understand much english (hell ja!) but the magazine and the shorts should explain everything I need to see from her when you get back into town with the pix.

We love ya out here Starguard see ya when you get back!!