Do y'all honesty want me to keep my new name change?...I think my name change isn't working...The GUEST count has taken a major hit...The iconic name CeeJay is what brings them to the yard.
You asked for the name change, and I granted your request. Let this be a lesson in impulsive decision-making.
In order for ME (BLACKFOOT/CeeJay) to properly contribute to The Legendary Troll Kingdom<<<Whatever!..I need my handle to be known as...C-40.
And Another Thang, Troll Kingdom.
HOLLA BLACK staff, before you move this to Speak Freely, The Mine Field or The Badlands...Y'all can't move this thread to The DayCare Center, it was deleted :bigass:
Staff members can't put regular users on Ignore.^^C'mon man^^...Do yourself and I a favor and put ME on ignore. OR. Just shut the fuck up when I'm talking to staff... I'm sick and tired if you moaning and bitching about MY moaning and bitching...
The name of the place is Troll Kingdom. You have been posting here for at least 17 years. The clue should drop for you any day now, I hope.^^Thank you Mentalist^^, for what, I don't know. You could have changed my handle, but I assume you wanted to to credit...Which in my opinion was a great move, because know Venooker can't take the credit...My problems with the name change goes a lil-something-something, like this...(1.) I honestly think my handle was changed too quick, 5 minutes after I made MY request. I was like daaaannnnmmm!, This! Can! Not! Be! Good! (2.) You did it instead of Eggs Mayonnaise or Brickvader, which cast MY suspension, I was like, Mentalist ain't never, never, ever done nothing for me...Ohh! What's! Going! On!...(3.) My name change was requested for change, Nothing hasn't changed for me. I'm getting the same shit from the same shitty people...(3.) My name change came from you (Mentalist), not from Eggs Mayonnaise or Brickvader...I was like What! Tha! Fuck!, Mentalist has never-never-ever-ever done anything for ME...Below is what I posted
I made this request hoping that I could change, but I can't do it...I was introduced to Troll Kingdom after signing up The Kingdom and Comicon..Both boards was shut down because of funds misspending by the owners... I'm pretty sure no one is gonna change my handle back, but it's Okay... As long as y'all remember MY former handles (BLACKFOOT and CeeJay)<<<I'm cool with that, BUT...Do. Not. Be. Like. ASVS and TrekBBS and use MY handles
Shut the fuck up CeeJay.
Ban this idiot already, would you please Mentalist?
^^C'mon man^^...Do yourself and I a favor and put ME on ignore. OR. Just shut the fuck up when I'm talking to staff... I'm sick and tired if you moaning and bitching about MY moaning and bitching...
Staff members can't put regular users on Ignore.
Why do y'all think Mentalist granted my name change 5 minutes after I made MY request.
CeeJay was banned...Why do y'all think Mentalist granted my name change 5 minutes after I made MY request.
Because you didn't expect it to be granted, which I correctly guessed meant you would probably regret it, and now we have two pages of nonsense attesting to this, which I found quite amusing (and still do).
^^You got that right^^ You hit the nail on head Mentalist...In my defense, I thought Eggs Mayonnaise was gonna move this thread to Speak Freely or The Badlands and nothing would happen about MY request...Your interference cost ME, It cost me big tyme...Guess I'll have to live wit my mistake. Don't blame ME for getting 29 messages and 235 views.
The name of the place is Troll Kingdom. You have been posting here for at least 17 years. The clue should drop for you any day now, I hope.