

Sinless and Purrfect
I feel a banning coming soon from Lyqwnorama. I might be wrong. BTW, I'm not breaking any rules nor do I have an intentions to do so either.


Sinless and Purrfect
All this is in Shout Box over the course of several hours.

<Mamacita> I have a serious problem

<Lulz Kitty> do tell

<Mamacita> Well, I have this problem with pics of nude girls

<Lulz Kitty> addicted to pr0n?

<Mamacita> (porn image)

<Mamacita> addicted is an understatement

<Lulz Kitty> I have a problem now, too

<Mamacita> what's yours?

<Lulz Kitty> I'd rather you not spam up the shout box with NSFW material

<Mamacita> piss off

<Mamacita> Give me a valid reason not to and I'll do it

<Lulz Kitty> Don't tell me you're mad already? lol

<Lulz Kitty> too easy

<Mamacita> not mad, I just don't like people telling me I can't act within the rules

<Mamacita> too easy? harharhahr

<Lulz Kitty> One Good Reason: Not everyone appreciates pron on the home page of a forum.

<Mamacita> (porn image)

<Lulz Kitty> Yeah, you lost your cool for a minute there.

<Mamacita> Not too many people appreciate dictators also

<Mamacita> Have you forgotten where you are Lulz?

<CorsetKat> <Lulz Kitty> One Good Reason: Not everyone appreciates pron on the home page of a forum.

<Lulz Kitty> Dictator? Exaggerate much? I made a valid request.

<Mamacita> (porn image)

<CorsetKat> lul kit

<Lulz Kitty> (multiple smiley spam posts)

<Mamacita> clever, yet still lacking

<Lulz Kitty> You compliment me. I don't find spamming smileys clever.

<classichummus> "<Lulz Kitty> One Good Reason: Not everyone appreciates pron on the home page of a forum." wow, don't you realize this is like a forum where porn isn't just allowed, but encouraged?

<Lulz Kitty> like um wow, ass kisser

<Lulz Kitty> The rules are so cool and edgy.

<classichummus> there are rules?

<Mamacita> (incorrectly typed porn coding)

<Lulz Kitty> (long cat image)

<Mamacita> what's the matter lulz? you getting boiled?

<classichummus> Kitty, just go back and quit bitching about porn.

<classichummus> *btw click home*

<Lulz Kitty> lol

<Lulz Kitty> Not everyone is as stupid as you are, Hummus.

<classichummus> Lulz kitty, where did you get that long strange pic?

<classichummus> I think kitty got pwned by porn.

<Lulz Kitty> You are wrong, and you seem unsure of what pwnd means.

<Lulz Kitty> I got bored and logged off.

<classichummus> you know kitty you can just scroll down past this chatbox and just go right to the forums. that way you don't have to look at the porn!

<Lulz Kitty> You truely are a moron

<Lulz Kitty> Even scrolling past the pix, a record of them are still stored on a work pc

<classichummus> you are a moron for even going on here while you should be working!

<classichummus> I assume you get paid to work and I don't think your work is browsing Lyqwnorama.

<Lulz Kitty> You speak with inexperience.

<classichummus> I don't think I'll go on here when I have a job. I could go on forums, facebook, etc. when I'm at school, but I don't. You know why? Because I do this shit at home! I do WORK at "work" and this where it is appropriate, like home.

<Lulz Kitty> You probably have a job in which you don't have a personal computer at your disposal.

<Lulz Kitty> Gawd forbid anyone get paid while they surf the web.

<Lulz Kitty> Instead of being confrontational with me for the sake of it, you should consider that one moron posting porn on the front page of a forum can make things difficult for countless other members of the board.

<Lulz Kitty> Members not expecting that someone would be that inconsiderate and stupid, might log in from work or a library etc and be greated to the unpleasent surprise.

<Iguana Goddess> (WOW smiley)

<classichummus> I actually don't have a job, I'm a college student. It's not just 1 member who posts porn pics on here, there are many.

<Lulz Kitty> So multiple inconsiderate idiots make it okay. durka durka

<Lulz Kitty> BTW, I'm bored again and logging off. Does that make me pwnd by lack of interest?

<Iguana Goddess> This site is NSFW...

<Lulz Kitty> Maybe with a slightly more tasteful edicit, you'd see membership rise here.

<classichummus> I don't think the point here is tasteful edicit. ffs look at the fucking name!!! "Lyqwnorama: Boldly Going Nowhere"

<Lulz Kitty> Nowhere would be the key word

<classichummus> they obviously don't fucking care about Safe For Work with a name like "Lyqwnorama"

<classichummus> if you're seriously concerned about NSFW, go join ♥ COCK. ♥ COCK is all about that shit!!!

<Lulz Kitty> which narrows down potential membership

<classichummus> "Boldly Going Nowhere" do you think the goal is to get tons of members who hate porn? NO!!! They want people to be able to share in the love of porn!!!

<classichummus> Really, why the fuck do you even go on here when you are at work anyway? that is really stupid!!

<Lulz Kitty> "Boldly Going Nowhere' is universal for porn obsession. You're so right. How did I miss that?

<classichummus> kitty, have you even looked at the smilies? I'm pretty sure most of them are NSFW either!

<Mamacita> (porn image)

<Mamacita> any Bastards still around?

<Lulz Kitty> How many members post here regularly anyway? Couldn't be more than a few dozen, if that.

<classichummus> Total members that have visited the forum in the last 24 hours: 96

<classichummus> kitty, there are more people on here than TK.

<Mamacita> I beg to differ

<classichummus> Members: 2,446

<classichummus> there are way more people on Lyqwnorama then TK. way more!!!

<Mamacita> but what's the head count?

<Lulz Kitty> Troll Kingdom membership: 4652

<classichummus> tk stats: Members: 10,477, Active Members: 168

<Lulz Kitty> 10,477, true. I fucked up and checked how many pages instead. Thanks for the correction.


Sinless and Purrfect
That's not the point, Dual. I don't even post there from work. I just like stirring up shit. I don't really care what they do or don't do there. I just like the conflict.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
That's not the point, Dual. I don't even post there from work. I just like stirring up shit. I don't really care what they do or don't do there. I just like the conflict.

Well then by all means, carry on.



Sinless and Purrfect

<classichummus> it's like Lyqwnorama without all the porn and shout box.

<classichummus> instead it's full of spam, pointless dual acounts, and annoying posters bitching about nothing.

<Mamacita> w/o porn?!! wtf?!!!

<Lulz Kitty> not everyone is a pervert

<classichummus> people CUM here for the porn kitty!

<Mamacita> yeah, some people are just uptight and not comfotable with sexuality

<Lulz Kitty> I just don't see the need to post random pornography.

<classichummus> ok you don't, but we do.

<Mamacita> do you feel the need to entice some male?

<classichummus> well it's not exactly a need, but more of a choice that's accepted by everybody but you.

<Lulz Kitty> Of course, a horny undersexed teenage boy like yourself Hummus, gets some sort of cheap thrill posting porn at forums.


I read all of that. It was amusing. Hummus, as far as his intelligence and wit are concerned, is not unlike a brick.


on a break from forums
I don't think you will get banned, they aren't really like that. They will just post more porn. The person who post the most porn in the Shout Box are CorsetKat and I don't think you will be able to get her to stop. Iguana Goddess posts quite a bit too. There are others who do it a lot too, but I forget their names.