Kyocera Phones...


Zombie Hunter

So my take on cell phones is that I don't want one with a camera. I don't need one that can play Beethoven's 9th or Tetris. If I want to take a picture, I'll use a camera. Hell, I don't even need a color screen.

All I ask of a phone is for it to allow me to talk to people who aren't where I am (and absolutely reliably--even if I'm in the bottom of a copper mine in Borneo), to make some sort of unobtrusive noise that lets me know that someone who isn't where I am is trying to talk to me. And I want it to do that in as small a package as possible. Oh, for perks it can have voice dialing. And look a bit like Captain Kirk's communicator (but not as big). But that's basically all I'm asking. (Oh, and a vibrate mode. That comes in handy for meetings and such.)

Problem is they didn't seem to make that phone. Really, when push comes to shove, about the smallest form-factor I've seen out there is my basic freebie Nokia. Until I somehow stumbled across Kyocera phones. Both the Kyocera Marbl and the K132 look like my dream phone. The catch is that the aren't GMS(?) phones. The Marbl (which is my favorite of the two) is a PCS phone, and is apparently only available as a prepaid Virgin Mobile phone. And the K132 is a "Tri/Dual/PCS mode" phone. It pisses me off.

Anyone have any suggestions for cool, tiny, no-frills phones?


Loveable fuzzball!
I've got a Kyocera K322 that I just upgraded to a few months ago. So far I haven't had any problems out of it. It does have a camera that takes crappy pictures, but I wasn't really caring about having a camera anyway.

It's a black flip phone and yeah I love the Star Trek communicator feel of it.

The battery stays charged for a good while even with constant use. I had a crappy Motorola phone that wouldn't stay charged with no use at all.

My signal is pretty good unless I'm not in a covered area by my provider but that isn't a fault with the phone, just my provider.

Kyocera's tend to vary in quality, so I'd do some research before I bought one.


New Member
I have a Kyocera KX1v (I think) and its basically what you listed above - a no frills flip phone, with long battery life.

Good luck finding one, though. Mine is about two years old, and I don't think they make them anymore.