
I want to smell dark matter

Imagine if the Dexter revival is good and that's what brings balance to the universe.


I want to smell dark matter

It'll probably be shit but Michale C. Hall is so charming.


Staff member
I want to give it a chance because up to season 4 it was really fucking good. We all know about the downfall past that but I have no reason to think this won't be at least decent. I'll check it out.


I want to smell dark matter
First episode should end with the return of a CERTAIN character thought deceased...



I want to smell dark matter
I watched the new DEXTER because I am a mug.

It was relatively dull. Most of it is just Dexter trying to live a normal life in a small town. No inner monlogue until he inevitably kills some asshole. And that's pretty much it. Michael C. Hall is still real good as Dexter, but really what's the point of it all? I'm sure it won't be as bad as season 8 (what could be!) but it doesn't seem like it's going to be all that good either. I mean, it was watchable. I don't know. Harrison shows up as a teenager and I don't have much interest in seeing that. So yeah, it was what it was. GREAT REVIEW WACKY.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I liked it in the first seasons. He was even creepier in 6 feet under so this was an interesting leap.

I havent seen the new series yet. I am currently infatuated with Squid Game


I want to smell dark matter
After the first two episodes being pretty dull, the latest two have actually been quite good. The kid (he's probably like 22) playing Harrison is doing good.


I want to smell dark matter
I fucking cheered when ANGEL appeared.


I want to smell dark matter
So Kurt is the last person seen with EVERY girl who disappears...and he's still never been a suspect lol.


Staff member
I'm enjoying it but it's not like it's without its problems either. Saying that it's markedly better than Season 8 which is not a high bar to clear. Dexter even in its best years was never a standout when it came to stellar writing and was carried by Michael C. Hall and the premise pretty heavily and the same is true here. The snow cabin setting, him hiding his true identity, and having a Native American girlfriend kept reminding me of Resident Alien as well.

The kid in Resident Alien was more entertaining than Dexter's mopey son that PLOT keeps happening to at a breakneck pace as well.

THAT SAID, I am still liking it because Dexter is a fun character and MCH is great and Clancey Brown is another fantastic actor that is very watchable as Kurt.

Apparently, it's doing very impressive numbers so it will be interesting to see how they wrap it all up. Unless MCH says categorically that he's not interested in ever doing any more I don't see them killing him off and expect an open-ended finale that allows another series.


I want to smell dark matter
They got John Lithgow back just for one line and it wasn't "shut up, cunt." :(


I want to smell dark matter






So yeah, that was definitely a proper finale and a lot better and more appropriate than the lumberjack one. Dexter is unambiguously dead. I'm guessing Michael C. Hall only agreed to return if there was no chance of making any more. And as much as we all enjoyed the character of Dexter over the year, it does make sense that the only way the show could really end is with everything catching up to him at last. Dexter's killed people who don't fit The Code many times below, but it's usually blown off as self defence or it turns out the guy who killed was a paedo or something. Logan was shown as a good guy all the way through so there's really no excusing what Dexter did. Of course you could say that Harrison killing Dex will awaken Harrison's dark passenger and turn him into a serial killer now. But I think the ending was supposed to be more optimistic than that.

Not really sure why Harrison had to go on the run when Angela covered up what he did anyway. Bit annoying that they have Batista come to town but he doesn't have a scene with Dexter.

I guess the scene with the billionaire threatening Audrey was just a red herring, even though I'm pretty sure we already knew Kurt was the killer by then.

Anyway, it was more satisfying than the season eight finale (and really most of the last four seasons) as I said. It certainly helped that they were willing and able to do a definitive ending.



Staff member
Just saw the finale and I thought it was satisfying. I was worried they were going to blow it and they didn't. Obligatory to say that New Blood has been a big improvement on anything post-season 4 and it has definitely justified being made in a sea of member berries media we are so often bombarded with these days.

I'm guessing Michael C. Hall only agreed to return if there was no chance of making any more.

I speculated the same. The series did well and they could have easily spun another season at least and had a ready-made audience for it so I'm glad that they obviously had a plan from the start with where this was going and I'm sure it was MCH's decision that he was one and done.

I was worried early on that the Harrison stuff was going to get overbearing and for the three episodes after he came back they crammed so much that it almost did. I get it, it's 10 episodes. It would have probably felt more natural over a normal 22 episode series but that would have also detracted from what was a pretty straightforward story that they wanted to tell here so it's a minor quibble now. Thought Clancey Brown was excellent and a worthy antagonist as Kurt. Another area that could have been easy to screw up and they didn't.

The "rooting for Dexter" thing has always been part of the series and whilst they did explore that him killing "bad guys" is not a justification in the main series they ramped it up here. There were occasions when Dexter killed people that didn't fit the code in the first series but the Logan kill here was definitely necessary to cement the fact that whilst it's not ideal for him killing innocents is far from a no-go zone for Dexter and to finally wake Harrison up to what his father is.

I liked the Batista call back but it then felt kind of anti-climatic that the last scene we see him in he's red eyeing it straight there to confront Dexter and then it's not resolved.

The arc they had Dexter go on in this series is reminiscent of Walter White after he kills Jessie's girlfriend and you realize that the anti-hero you've been rooting for is actually not redeemable.



How long before we get the Harrison spin-off?


I want to smell dark matter
I feel like a Harrison spin-off would kind of ruining this ending as the whole point seemed to be that he's NOT like his father. He was just an angry teenager, not a potential serial killer. But New Blood got huge ratings for Showtime so they'll probably try to do something.


Staff member
True. I was being kind of glib. It makes no sense for him to become like Dexter now. It wouldn't work at all.


I want to smell dark matter
Do a Masuka spin-off.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah when I was reading the description I just thought "we've already seen all that."


I want to smell dark matter
I love Sarah but I think every show she's been in since Buffy has been terrible so that doesn't really fill me with hope!